Lab Practice Quiz 1 1. a.out 2. cd 3. cd .. 4. cd / 5. cd xxx 6. cat xxx 7. gcc 8. ls 9. ls l 10. mkdir xxx 11. more xxx 12. nano xxx 13. rm *.* 14. rm xxx 15. rmdir xxx 16. set 17. ssh 18. tcsh 19. ps lax 20. cd; rm fr * ____ 1. Name of the executable file generated (by default) by the C compiler driver. ____ 2. Command to change your current directory to your home directory. ____ 3. Command to change your current directory to the parent of the current directory. ____ 4. Command to change your current directory to the root of the directory tree. ____ 5. Command to change your current directory to a sub directory. ____ 6. Command that displays a file on the screen. (Text in large files flies by). ____ 7. The C compiler driver. ____ 8. Command that lists the names of the files in the current directory. ____ 9. Command that lists various information about files in the current directory. ____ 10. Command to create a subdirectory called xxx. ____ 11. Command that display a file on your screen, one screenfull at a time. ____ 12. Create or edit file xxx with a very simple text editor. ____ 13. Delete all files in the current directory (be careful with this). ____ 14. Delete file xxx. ____ 15. Delete directory xxx (if it is empty) ____ 16. Display the name and value of each shell variable ____ 17. Access a Unix system from a remote computer (like you home computer). ____ 18. The Tenex C shell (your command interpreter or shell) ____ 19. List all the current processes (running programs). ____ 20. Destroy everything (the most dangerous Unix command I could find).